My Language Portfolio, Introducing Ourselves - Module - 1 (Мой Языковой Портфолио, Представление себя - Модуль - 1)
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Table 2.1 Self-… (Таблица 2.1 Само...)
Table 3.3 4 H – Shamrock Development: what is it? (Таблица 3.3 4 H - Развитие трилистника: что это?)
Table 4.1 Why do I learn Ebglish? (Таблица 4.1 Почему я изучаю английский?)
1. I get better marks at school.
2. I can pass an examination in English.
3. I can travel to other countries.
4. I can speak to foreign people.
5. I can get a better job when I leave school.
6. I can learn about Britain.
7. I can learn about the USA
8. I can understand pop songs in English.
9. I can read English books in original.
10. I can understand technical instructions in English.
11. I can work on computer.
12. I can play computer games.
13. because my parents want me to learn English.
14. because I enjoy learning English.
15. because I want to be an English teacher.
16. because English is an important world language.
17. because I want to understand English films.